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Natural 05/05/1999 Sisterlocked 10/22/2007

Friday, December 19, 2008

Why is it?

Today was rather, well interesting. A former student, who is growing locs, told me that he was being pressured into cutting his hair by others because "nobody would hire him looking like that". Mind you, he is handsome, and his locs are meticuously neat.

I went to a Mexican restaurant today and receive approving glances at my head by those of other ethnicities. The waiter, who is Mexican, actually reached over and touched my hair before I knew it and said (in broken English mind you), "Very PRETTY hair!"

Why is it that those of my own race and background see me growing my hair this way (the way that it NATURALLY grows) as a hinderance and those of other races see it as "Very PRETTY hair"?

Are we that self-hating that we will not accept those of us that embrace our natural beauty?

I don't grow my locs out of rebellion or for spiritual reasons or because it's a fad. I just simply feel that this is the way that God made me, and He makes NO mistakes. Who am I to hate or alter what He loves?


  1. Yes, generally we hate ourselves "that much". It is so sad, but true. I have decided to freeform and people have reacted as if I said that I was no longer going to bathe. It is amazing. I shampoo more than most people but I still receive disapproving comments from "us". Other people are all excited and approving. Thank God that this journey does not begin or end with the opinion of others.

  2. Tulani Kinard, author of "No Lye", has locked ends and freeform roots (I think she may brush them or something). they are absolutely beautiful, unique, and fit HER. You keep on doing you, and thank the Lord you have your own mind!

  3. Great hair! Now to my wonderful follower TAG YOUR IT! Look for the rules in my blog.

  4. I agree! The pressure from our own people even over here is immense. Very sad.

  5. Our people are in a sad state of ignorance...they don't like themselves and want to look european when we are not! We are the first people!!!! and this is our hair!...has been forever!
